ISSN ONLINE 2583- 2247

Author Instructions

by admin | 13-February-2018 | 2042 view


Writing scientific papers is a highly significant step in any sort of research. A well written science papers brings out the essence of the research's topic and highlights the core issues, therefore gathering appreciation from a wider audience. On the other hand, a shabby, vague science paper leaves an uncanny impression and prevents people from exploring more into your field of study. Hence, a well written science paper plays a major role in creating a good impression, gathering a wider audience and/or simply presenting your striking researches magnificently.

Now there are some tips and tricks to be kept in mind while aiming to write a good science paper:

  1. The Title

The title is the first thing that a reviewer/editor/reader sees while reading your paper. Hence it is important to grab their attention right away and give them an idea of why your paper is a scientific innovation. The title should suggest the theme of the paper and thus should be very specific. But it shouldn’t be very technical that doesn’t even reach the bar of general audience. It should be concise and eye-catching.

  1. The Abstract

Since the abstract works as basically a gist of the paper, it is to be kept in mind that it includes the summary of your research as well as is capable of catching the eye from the very beginning.  A good abstract is concise, elucidates the main findings of the research, but does not overwhelm the reader with technicalities.

  1. Introduction

The Introduction forms a background of the paper and thus should include the most relevant things and also their cause. It answers the question "why is your research important" and thus should be presented in the most reasonable way. It should include the theme, its background, the significance of the work and relevant and important things.

  1. Results and Discussion

Just like the title, the R&D should be concise but also informative i.e. it must present the gist of outcomes of the experiments/study and the theories involved (but concisely).  The main focus should be on important bits of the study. The smaller details; the insignificant data can be recorded in a tabulated form which gives it a conciseness yet presents everything about the research. Including the strange, unexpected results along with the expected ones will provide a sheer gravity to your paper, thus increasing your paper's value.

  1. References

The reference section is quite easy to compile and gives out an impression of thorough study of your field.  One good tip about referencing is to only reference the most relevant papers or some good thorough reviews on your particular area of research. It will give out an impression that you are well aware of your field and know what is really important in the context of your paper. A good reference management software can be used too as it helps a lot with your reference section and saves time and effort.

  1. Citing

Citing is one of the most imperative elements of your paper. The use of your own words is highly recommended while preparing the citing section. However if the idea or quotation used is not yours, then remember to put them in quotation marks and embed the name of relevant author(s).

  1. Writing

Writing i.e. the way in which your paper is presented is quite vital too as it helps in forming a long-lasting impression of your study. Try to use different fonts and types of fonts for highlighting like bullets, bold, italics, etc. but remember not to overuse it as it may backfire and make it difficult for the reader. Make use of concise and to-the-point language. Graphics and tabular forms can also be used to represent data as it may provide more visual characteristic to your paper.

  1. Editing and Submission 

Finally, before submitting your paper, review and recheck your paper looking for any errors or spelling mistakes. Read the final version again and again to assure you of no mistakes. You may also ask your peers/audience for review and feedback so that their perception of your paper may help you in editing and improving it.

Final editing and improvement play as much important role in gathering positive reviews for your paper as your research. So don't neglect the significance of proper writing and presentation. Make use of online reference software and follow the basic format of science papers.